Q:For this year our income tax is still at 5%?
R:If taxable profit is no more than RMB3,000,000 in this year, also the company meets below two conditions, the company can enjoy 5% enterprise income tax.
1.Total assets no more than 50,000,000RMB.
2.Number of employee no more than 300.
Q: OK, but if we make more than 3M, it is 25% for the excess?
R: No, when the company's taxable profit is more than 3M in one fiscal year, the company is not a small sized company in tax side, can not enjoy 5% preferential tax rate which is set just for small or medium sized companies. So the enterprise income tax rate shall be 25% for all the taxable profit in 2024.
Q: The 5% preferential tax rate shall be contined to 2025?
R: Yes, it shall end on Dec. 31th, 2027.
Please contact us with any enquiries
+86 021 6049 2821
+86 189 1629 8482